Professional Roulette Systems.Conventional Roulette Systems.Mathematical Roulette Strategies.Roulette Statistic Robot
Roulette System Target
This system is based on the conditional split on the numbers to which we stake.
The bet is as follows:
18 numbers-0, 5€/ or 5€
12 numbers, 0, 3€ / or 3€
If you bet 5€ and 3€ -> Profit is: 2€ with known number of 18 and 1€ known result from the 12 of our numbers
So the larger bet is focused on more numbers-18,respectively chance those numbers to fall is greater, thus extracting more profit.
Whether you bet with 0.5 and 0.3€ or 3 and 5€ depends on your financial capabilities.
Disadvantages of this method of betting:
Like all bets on many numbers, there is a likelihood of more losses / though rare / than profits.